MOMA- The Museum of Muslim Art India - is an institution to disseminate information of Art and Architecture of Muslim in India.
India is perhaps the only non-muslim country in the world to be a living museum of art and architecture with abundance.
It is estimated the Delhi and it environs alone have 3000 monuments. It is also estimated that there are 100000 Muslim monuments throughout India. Most of these come under ASI(Archeological Survey of India), but unfortunately the upkeep of these monuments are not up to the mark.
MOMA will be a voice for muslim art and architecture in India and will motivate a movement to preserve the cultural heritage of muslim here. Muslims constitute nearly 200 million in population and growing fast. The community has contributed to the country in many ways and infact have been responsible for the freedom movement.
The muslim monuments are internationally famous and the income generated through tourists attraction is incomparable with the other cultural monuments.

It has become important now to spread MOMA and its objectives to the individuals and organisations interested in preservation of Muslim Cultural Heritage in India.
It is proposed to construct a Museum Complex in Chennai to showcase the grandeur of contribution by Muslims in this part of the sub-continent.
MOMA - requires support and patronage to continue this effort and hereby invites membership with like minded individuals , organisations and corporates to support in this endeavour.
Jaffer AA Khan B.Arch.,M.Sc.Arch(Bartlett,London).,RIBA.,RAIA.,SIA.,RICS
The Museum of Muslim Art India
C/O JDS Chartered Architects
3rd Floor,Mohammadan Public Library Building
1,Triplicane High Road Chennai 600 005
Tel: +919845029876
E.Mail: momaindia@gmail.com